On Sunday I was driving back to Scotland and decided to call in at the National Media Museum (in Bradford) to see the Don McCullin exhibition. The exhibition represents Don's vision of England taken over a 50-year career; many photographs actually taken in Bradford. I walked around the exhibition twice then went for a coffee. I returned to the gallery later for a third viewing; it really is that good. Here's an exhibition link link
8 May to 27 September, 2009
National Media Museum Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 1NQ
tel : 0870 7010200
Free Admission
Friday, 17 July 2009
Julius Shulman : 1910 - 2009
"One of the finest architectural photographers of all time"
I've just read on the BBC website of the recent death of Julius Shulman (link to BBC article). So what was so special about Shulman? Well (for me) he shows, no matter what the subject, the key to great imagery is considered composition. Take a look at some of his work to see what I mean (link to his work, another link to his work). And the next time you're about to press the shutter take a moment to reconsider how you've framed your shot.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Photography Exhibition : Paisley
Double Exposure : Paisley Museum & Art Gallery
You have until Sunday 19th July to see photographs of Paisley taken by celebrated local artists Hugh Gibson and Charles Soutar. The exhibition is on at Paisley Museum & Art Gallery.
15 May to 19 July, 2009
Tue- Sat 10:00 - 17:00 Sun 14:00 - 17:00
Paisley Museum & Art Gallery High Street Paisley PA1 2BA Scotland