Personal Work : Scotland Lochscapes
Today I thought it was time to take my good old
Fuji S2 digital SLR (dSLR) camera out for a photography stroll in the
Trossachs. Even though I now photograph with the
Nikon D3 dSLR I can't bear to part with the old dear. The S2 camera is over 7 years old and in digital years that makes the "almost-APS-size sensor" camera less
cropped frame more
zimmer frame.
Fuji never bettered the S2. I liked the
Fuji S3's vertical grip and ditching the silly CR123a batteries, but the image difference between the S2 and S3 was as tight as two coats of paint. The
Fuji S5's high ISO capabilities were widely exaggerated (IMO) and to say the menu layout is horrible is exactly what I was going to say. The best things about the S5 are the flash commander mode function and of course rebadging the naff
Finepix to the rather cool
Fujifilm. So with no S6 on the horizon it looks like the S2 is as good as it's going to get (dSLR-wise).
Here's a few photographs I shot at
Loch Venachar with the S2 and the
Nikkor 10.5mm f2.8 lens.

The highlights on following photograph are a total
all f's blow out. But what (new) camera wouldn't do the same? considering the lighlight is the Sun itself ;-)
If you are one of the many who email me regarding digital black & white conversion techniques, you'll be pleased to know I'll blog on this topic in the next few weeks.